Nutrition Facts
By James Rose
Board made a condition for food, nutrition and the description of the facts are clear on each device. Most people do not care about them unless they have a food allergy. Time to go grocery shopping and reading every sign in a shopping cart. Understanding food labels is crucial to a healthy diet and crucial to the problems of the people and weight.
Posters describing the food and nutrition, and other facts and important information about foods to eat your children. Of calories, fat and fiber grams, with all the other nutrients. Know how to read food labels can help you provide healthy food to eat to be your family, such as: calcium, fiber, and at the same time, however, identify the components of health, such as fat, saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol.
Size of service: the service of the size and number of servings per container or group critical. Many times people ignore these data. Often Medyo containers or packages containing more than one service. If you eat a small container as yourself when you are consuming 2 meals twice region. This is a common way people overeat. There is one solution to purchase only the size of a part or parts big enough to feed your family. Of experience: 40% of calorie serving is low in calories, 100 calories each service is considered a moderate in calories, and up to 400 calories in the service is high in calories.
Total fat grams: Learning on the amount of fat to eat, which helps to maintain a low-fat diet. We understand that trans fats are better than the saturated fats and trans fats. It is recommended to keep your fat to 30% or less saturated fat, which should be composed of 3-1 or less. For example: It contains 100 calories in the service should be 30% or less fat and 10% or less of saturated fat. As well as a solid containing a lot of saturated fat and / or trans fats. Examples include: butter, meat and fats, pork, fat and vegetable oils, Hydrogenated vegetable oil, butter and cream. Through some animal products and also include many of the saturated and trans fats. Vegetable oils, however, is composed of the most saturated and monounsaturated multiple. Palm oil and coconut oil that was an exception.
Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the sugars and starch to our process at the level of sugar in the blood, which we have the muscle cells need energy. Children's use half the calories should come from carbohydrates. It is important to know that there are good carbs and bad carbs. Instead of eating foods high in simple sugars you be better off in the selection of meals and more formal, such as: whole grain bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and cereals. All of flour, pasta, and whole wheat bread, brown rice, and whole grains, cereals, good options for the entire diet of wheat. In reading the components of food and nutrition facts label, and in an attempt to avoid added sugars, and if these are the first few to search for the best alternatives. He added that some carbohydrates are usually high sugar and corn syrup fruit, juice, Sucrose, grape sugar, corn syrup, sugar, maple syrup, and maltrose.
Dietary fiber: eat high-fiber is an important part of a healthy diet. High-fiber diet helps prevent cancer and heart disease, obesity and other diseases. Children should be the amount of fiber per day in addition to the age of 5 grams. Example: a 16-year-old will need 21 grams of fiber. 16 +5 = 21g. Food and nutrition, according to the realities of fruit and vegetables, and whole grain bread and cereals are a good source of fiber.
Vitamins and minerals: food and nutrition, also contains specific facts and data on the vitamins and minerals that children need, including calcium and iron. Bear in mind that less than 5% of the daily value is considered low in vitamins, minerals and more than 20% of the daily value are high in vitamins and minerals. The happy medium between 10% and 20% of the daily value of each service. Often, calcium-rich diet consisting of 20% to 30% of children on the amount of each service. If your child does not receive enough milk or other dairy products, which are high in calcium, to examine the food and nutrition and food, which contains the proceedings of compensation calcium. Adolescents, on the other hand, need to be more than 100% of the daily value of calcium. 130% of the rights as contained in a container of food.
Cholesterol and sodium: It is important to reduce the amount of sodium and cholesterol in the diet for your child. I know that less than 5% of the daily value is low, and more than 20% of the daily amount of help in the selection of a high rate of natural foods. In reading the food and nutrition facts and the search for food under 140mg sodium for each service. If the list of groups of low-sodium or low sodium is a good option. Foods low in cholesterol and should be under 20mg of each service.
Protein: Protein is essential to maintain muscle strength and lean, and a crucial element in public health. Often, the protein should be between 10% and 12% of daily caloric intake of the child. Be aware that many children have access to more of the protein they need, especially if they also consume eggs, meat and dairy products. Beans, nuts, and also contain soy protein.
Percent daily values: and that less than 5% of the daily value is low, and more than 20% of the daily value of the high food components; fat, cholesterol, and sodium, and saturated fats and trans fats should be less than the daily value. Simple rules to eat less than 100% of the daily value of the elements. On the other hand, should eat at least 100% of the daily value of calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin (a), iron and dietary fiber.
Health outcomes
These are the basic facts in the food and nutrition. Healthy eating and exercise is a matter of life. Many of the one or not enough to ask the other problems. Amazing things happen when they get good nutrition.
James Rouse is a personal weight loss coach and author of the popular - a website created out of his passion. Possibly you have a passion or hobby you'd like to write about. Discover how to turn it into a profitable Web site like James has. Visit: to learn more.
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The FDA has made it a requirement for the food nutrition facts to be clearly labeled on all packaging. The majority of the people pay little attention to this unless they have a food allergy. Who has time to go shopping and read every food label.
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